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Who we are

Keith Arrowsmith - Treasurer

I first heard of Garden Organic when I helped set up Hereford Seed Swap in 2007. Since then, I’ve acquired a much deeper understanding of the natural environment and horticulture through my work.

For 25 years I worked in accounting and treasury for Chevron in the UK and around the world. But in 2005, I “retired” to take up the new challenge of setting up and growing a small business.

I established a wildflower business (PlantWild) – growing UK native plants and harvesting meadow seed. In the business partnership, I had specific responsibility for financial matters as well as propagating and growing plants. But after a successful 12 years, it was time for new challenges and PlantWild was sold as a going concern.

I've always wanted to learn more about sustainable land management - so I volunteer in reserve management with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and practice my skills in my own three-acre garden.

I've kept my business/financial skills fresh as treasurer of Hereford Seed Swap and my local village hall, adding grant fundraising to my CV.

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