Waste Reduction volunteers
Our waste reduction volunteer-led public education programme provides a suite of resources and public engagement activities to be delivered to community groups and schools.
We can recruit, train and support a team of passionate volunteers, who will raise awareness of waste reduction in their communities.
Waste Reduction awareness
Inspired by years of delivering Master Composter volunteer projects for councils and waste contractors across the country, Garden Organic began delivering a more holistic approach to waste reduction awareness in 2018 by working with Worcestershire County Council to deliver its successful Let’s Waste Less project.

Composting at home is simple to do, produces something for free and helps save time, money and the planet.
Waste Reduction projects
We are now in the unique position of being able to offer the following affordable solution to councils and waste contractors around the country, including:
- The recruitment, training and support of a dedicated co-ordinator
- The recruitment, training and on-going support of a team of passionate volunteers, who raise awareness of waste reduction through stands at public events, talks to community groups, workshops with schools, colleges and universities, article writing and even social media management
- Training days and social events to keep volunteers engaged and feeling valued
- Access to a wide range of Garden Organic resources, paper-based and online, as well as use of our cloud-based volunteering platform provided by Better Impact to enable volunteers to easily sign up to events and record their volunteering activities.