Variety Champions Pepper
A true Italian heirloom, this sweet pepper has been grown by the Nardello family since the 19th century. However, it took an interesting route to get to the Heritage Seed Library.

About 🔗

Vegetable Type: Pepper
Date Added to the Heritage Seed Library: 2000

In 1887 the Nardello family emigrated to the USA from the village of Ruoti in the Basilicata region of Italy. Their pepper was so treasured they took seeds with them and continued to grow and save them in their new home.

When Jimmy Nardello passed away in 1983 some of the seeds were donated to the Seed Savers Exchange – an American organisation with a similar mission as the Heritage Seed Library. We then accepted Nardello pepper into the Heritage Seed Library in 2000.

Nardello pepper is prolific producer of slender, twisted fruits, slightly fatter than chillis. The fruits become very juicy and with a sweet, mild-peppery flavour when red. It’s an all-rounder, perfect for roasting, frying, making pasta sauce and eating raw in salads.

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Why we save Nardello pepper 🔗

Any variety that has been grown and saved by the same family for generations is always going to be something special. And that’s even more evident if they valued it enough to include it within their prized possessions when emigrating, as is the case with the Nardello pepper.

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