Variety Champions
In the collection for over 30 years, this purple carrot is thought to be disease resistant and have a strong 'carroty' flavour.

Vegetable Type:Carrot
Date Added to the Heritage Seed Library:


Egyptian cave paintings dating back to around 2000BC show what is thought to be purple carrots; the orange varieties we are familiar with today were not developed until the 16th century. Donated by the Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, Virginia, USA, this purple carrot produces 20-25cm roots that, when sliced, reveal a bright yellow core. They have a more pronounced 'carroty' flavour than orange varieties, and also show some resistance to carrot root fly.

Champion Afghan Purple Carrot
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Why we save Afghan Purple Carrot 🔗

By saving and sharing this Afghan Purple Carrot, we help preserve biodiversity, support natural resilience in crops, and bring a forgotten culinary gem back to our plates.

Champion Afghan Purple Carrot