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Corporate membership

Show your support for the organic growing movement whilst promoting your offer to our engaged audience of organic growers and consumers.

Corporate membership options

Bronze membership Benefits
Company listing and URL on website
Discount on display advertising in the Organic Way magazine 10%
Copies of the Organic Way magazine to share with you team 5 copies
Discount on our online training 10%
Promotion in our Organic Matters email newsletter
Price £250+VAT
Silver membership Benefits included
Company listing and URL on our website
Announcement of membership on social media
Discount on display advertising in the Organic Way magazine 20%
Copies of the Organic Way magazine to share with you team 10 copies
Discount on our online training 20%
Promotion in our Organic Matters email newsletter
Price £500+VAT

Gold membership (price on application)

As well as the benefits of Silver Membership, Gold Members can discuss any of the following opportunities:

  • The Organic Gardening podcast sponsorship (15,000 monthly listeners)
  • Sponsorship of a specific feature with the Organic Way magazine (15,000 distribution)
  • Sponsorship of a variety or vegetable within our Heritage Seed Library
  • The opportunity to use our beautiful organic garden to host guests or undertake photography/filming
  • Sponsorship of our Heritage Seed Library trials work
  • Your company leaflet or product sample in our welcome back to new members
  • Sponsorship of an event or show garden, for example at BBC Gardeners’ World Live at the NEC in Birmingham.

All Corporate Members are entitled to one vote per membership at our Annual General Meeting.

Flowers in greenhouse

Get in touch...

To chat to us about how we can work together, or to join as a Corporate Member, contact Hannah Bolger on 024 7630 8210 or via email