Heritage Seed Library

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Special characteristics
Vegetables and varieties
  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Odin Longstanton

    This ex-commercial variety is excellent for autumn and early winter production. It produces huge plants (up to 1.5m) with grey-green foliage and a long, straight shank (30-40cm) with little or no b...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Bronze Arrow

    A beautiful, productive Californian heirloom, popular in the USA but once almost unknown here. A large, non-hearting lettuce; the attractive, arrowhead-shaped leaves have a distinctive bronze tinge...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Brown Goldring

    Originally known as ‘Goldring’s Bath Cos’, this lettuce won an Award of Merit from the RHS in 1923. Produces crisp heads in the summer and, like many of the old cos varieties, will overwinter with ...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Loos Tennis Ball

    (syn. Gotte de Loos) Tennis ball lettuces are classic, loose, cabbage-headed varieties with a long history. This variety was first introduced by DT Brown in 1932. Mildew tolerant, so ideal for glas...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Northern Queen

    Our donor found these seeds among her father's gardening clutter. Originally sold by Finneys, a Northumberland seed merchant with nurseries and trial grounds in Newcastle. Finneys closed during the...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Salad Mix

    Not an individual variety, but a combination of three of our favourites. This will provide you with a lovely mix of salad leaves, perfect for picking by the leaf. This year’s selection includes Bla...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Yings Stem Lettuce

    As the name suggests, cultivated for its stem. This variety was collected from an allotment in Coventry and is productive both outside and in the glasshouse. Its stems have a distinctive smoky flav...

  • Organic
    Out of stock


    Originally from the Vilmorin Seed House, this Charentais-type melon produces round fruits, approximately 12-15cm in diameter and just under 1kg in weight. The orange flesh is sweet and juicy. One m...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Green Nutmeg

    Nutmeg was the name of one of the oldest melons known and, though it once referred to a definitive type, years of cultivation provided numerous variations. Cucurbits of New York (1935) states that ...

  • Organic
    Out of stock


    This Russian variety forms clumps of thumb-sized, purple-tinged, crescent-shaped bulbs, similar to multiplier onions. Sown from spring through until early autumn, this perennial variety can be left...

  • Organic
    Out of stock

    Cipolla Bianca Agostana

    This Italian onion is a large, mid to late maturing, globe-shaped white-fleshed variety with thin skin. Sweet and mild, but full of flavour and with a little 'kick'. No streaming eyes while slicing...

  • New this year Organic
    Out of stock

    Portuguesa Amarilla Tardia

    Translating as Late Yellow Portuguese, this variety produces a uniform crop of large, slightly flattened globe shaped onions. Let us know what you think of it.