Indeterminate. Cordon. The leafy plants produce medium-large, reddish-orange plum tomatoes with soft flesh and a delicate flavour that is not too acidic, perfect for cooking and sauces. Seed Guardi...
Kenilworth/King George
Indeterminate. Cordon. Our donor sourced this variety from the last commercial grower who used to supply local shops in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, where, up until the 1960s, it was grown extensively...
Large Red
Indeterminate. Cordon. A very old American heirloom variety pre-dating the American Civil War. Fearing Burr (1865) states when the tomato was first cultivated in the USA this variety was, for some ...
Lemon Gazzi
Indeterminate. Cordon. Another variety created by plant breeder Suzanne Arreger this one produces slightly flattened, ribbed, yellow fruits around 100g in weight. Let us know what you think of the ...
Lister's Protection/Perfection
Indeterminate. Cordon. Our donor's father and grandfather grew this variety (since around 1926) in their market garden at Carriden, Bo'ness, West Lothian, to sell as plants and, later in the season...
Little Tatyana
Indeterminate. Cordon. Originated in Azerbaijan and was named after the collector of the seed. This red, mini-beefsteak tomato did very well in taste tests at Garden Organic, the flavour being desc...
Lumpy Red
Semi-determinate. Thought to have originated in Clay County, Kentucky, in around 1900 and has been grown there ever since. It produces medium-large, red, ribbed, beefsteak fruits with 'lumpy should...
Maltese Plum
Semi-determinate. Our donor was given seeds of this variety by his friend, who had acquired them while on holiday in Malta. A late variety that performs best in a sunny spot outside. Trusses are bo...
Manx Marvel
Indeterminate. Cordon. Thought to have originally been bred in the Isle of Man, this variety produces vigorous plants with extremely strong stems (good for windy conditions), large leaves, and red,...
Pink Cherry
Semi-determinate. This variety is prolific and hardy, doing well both outdoors and under glass. Its growth habit will require you to pinch out side shoots regularly. The small, plum-shaped fruits b...
Pink Gaetano
Indeterminate. Cordon. Named after the Italian gentleman who took this tomato with him when he emigrated to Australia in the 1950s. It had been grown and saved by him, in his garden in Calabria, bu...
Polish Giant
Indeterminate. Cordon. Our donor acquired this Polish heirloom via the members' Seed Swap pages that used to be a feature in the HSL Catalogue. It produces large, red, deeply ribbed fruits weighing...