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Latest news, blogs and updates from Garden Organic.


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  1. Spring flowers at Ryton gardens

    UK Flower Farmers' Big Weekend

    For the sheer joy and beauty, nothing beats a bunch of flowers. But it's important to think about flowers as we do food - buying seasonal and locally-grown blooms, instead of imports with dubious provenance and a large carbon footprint.

  2. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    GMO worries

    Under EU regulations, any genetically modified (GM) ingredients in our food have to be listed on the packaging. But, as we prepare to leave the EU, our right to make an informed choice about what we are buying and eating is under threat.

  3. Wheat in field

    RSA final report on Food, Farming and the Countryside

    The Royal Society for the Arts has presented it's final report on Food, Farming and the Countryside. It argues that "The actions we take in the next ten years, to stop ecosystems collapse, to recover and regenerate nature and to restore people’s health and wellbeing are now critical."

  4. Wheat in field

    We are all farmers now

    An exciting new paper from Sussex University asks the government to consider radical changes in approaches to food growing. In We are all farmers now, Prof Dave Goulson argues that small scale growing – in gardens, allotments and small holdings – is the future for sustainable food growing.

  5. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    Share your views

    At the end of 2018, the Garden Organic Board of Trustees set an ambitious Five Year Strategic Plan for the charity. As part of this strategy, we will be exploring a number of potential opportunities to widen access to our organic horticultural knowledge.

  6. A slug in soil surrounded by leaves

    Slug pellets - a win for organic!

    As from this month, the poisonous slug pellets containing metaldehyde have been withdrawn from sale. From now on, in the UK, you can only buy pellets containing ferric phosphate. Many of these have been designated as being suitable use for use in organic gardening. This is a triumph for organic growers, who have long campaigned for the ban of toxic metaldehyde.

  7. Pollinators on sunflowers

    One man & his organic plot - July 2019

    It’s not long before the schools break up here in London and this is signifying a change of atmosphere in the city. Roads and public transport are emptier and the whole place feels less manic

  8. Hands holding a tray of organic vegetables including rainbow chard, tomatoes and squashes.

    Henry Dimbleby launches vision for National Food Strategy

    Henry Dimbleby – co-founder of restaurant chain Leon and of the Sustainable Restaurant Association – has been appointed by Environment Secretary Michael Gove to lead the first major review of the UK food system in nearly 75 years.

  9. Everyday banking with Values – Triodos Bank

  10. The July podcast is here!