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    • Heritage Seed Library
    • Blogs

    Garden Organic on Gardeners' World!

    Did you spot us on BBC Gardeners World? We’re thrilled to have been a part of the BBC’s flagship gardening programme. If you were inspired by the varieties featured please click below or follow the join us button and you will receive one free packet of seeds as featured on the show.

  2. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    Tips for terrific tomatoes

    Nothing epitomises summer more than a tangy homegrown tomato. Head Gardener Emma O’Neill shares her advice for an abundant harvest this summer.

  3. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    Insects to spot this summer

    Our resident wildlife expert Sally Cunningham celebrates Insect Week (19th-25th June) by sharing common fliers you might see in your garden or park this summer.

  4. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Wildlife gardening

    Choosy flowers – why tongues matter!

    We all know that it is a good thing to plant a range of flowering plants to support insect life in our gardens but are we aware of how choosy flowers can be?

  5. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Wildlife gardening

    Chris Collins on…encouraging biodiversity

    Our Head of Organic Horticulture Chris Collins shares how he attracts more insects at his allotment with a ‘pollinator corridor’.

  6. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    How to deal with compostable packaging

    Compostable packaging is better than non-recyclable materials but there can be issues around claims they can be home composted. Here we offer some tips on how to tackle them.

  7. Chris Collins is watering various plant pots and trays of seeds on his balcony.
    • Gardening and growing
    • Blogs

    Chris Collins on…hardening off your plants

    Chris celebrates the arrival of longer days and (slightly) warmer nights by beginning the slow process of acclimatising his young plants to outdoor conditions

  8. Pairs of black seeds separated by tissue in a plastic tub.
    • Heritage Seed Library

    Germinating our next Seed List

    Preparations for our 2024 Heritage Seed Library Seed List have already begun – as we offer a sneak preview of up-and-coming varieties

  9. Blue Tit Bird sitting in leaves

    The Organic Gardening Podcast - May

    Wildlife gardening is the focus of this month’s podcast as we talk to environmentalist Chris Baines about the spectacular decline in wildlife and how our gardens can help stem the tide.

  10. Flowers in Ryton gardens

    The Organic Gardening Podcast - April

    Spring has truly sprung - and in this Cut Flower Special of The Organic Gardening Podcast Sarah Brown chats with two organic flower farmers