Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

Our views

News and views

Latest news, blogs and updates from Garden Organic.


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  1. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Wildlife gardening

    What to spot in your garden...this spring

    Our wildlife expert Sally Cunningham shares some creatures that you could see in your garden over the next few weeks.

  2. Bee on flower
    • Campaigns

    Long-awaited action plan on pesticides launched by UK Government

    The much-anticipated National Action Plan is published today, promising a 10% pesticide reduction target over the next five years.

  3. Hands holding tomatoes
    • Podcast

    Organic Gardening Podcast: March - with Tristram Stuart

    In this month's Organic Gardening Podcast we meet award-winning author, campaigner and speaker Tristram Stuart.

  4. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Gardening and growing

    The benefits of mixing up your planting

    Dr Anton Rosenfeld analyses research that shows combining specific plants together can help protect them from pests.

  5. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Our Views

    Gardening as a public defence

    Our President Tim Lang delves into the UK’s preparedness for food shocks and how our gardens could and should be utilised.

  6. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Heritage Seed Library

    Warwick Vegetable Gene Bank donates to our #SeedSearch project

    Catrina shares some exciting news about a new collaboration as part of our National Lottery Heritage Fund project

  7. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Volunteering opportunities

    Spring into action as a Garden Organic volunteer

    Help us spread the organic message in your community by joining one of our projects around the UK.

  8. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Composting

    Sharing the magic of composting in schools

    Senior project coordinator Rachel Phillips-Street explains how the Shropshire Schools Food Web Programme is helping the next generation recycle their food waste

  9. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Composting

    Eisenia fetida – the heroes of your compost bin

    Master Composter Frankie Kennett lifts the lid on composting worms and explains what’s behind some of their bin behaviours.

  10. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
    • Composting

    Chris Collins on…success with growing potatoes

    Our head of horticulture shares his top tips for getting the best out of your potatoes this year