Tune into our Spring podcast

  • Last updated: 6 December 2022
Tune in to the April The Organic Gardening Podcast for your essential guide to Spring gardening.
  • Spring flowers at Ryton gardens

Chris and Sarah discuss those early Spring jobs to do outside, while keeping an eye on the weather. Frost is always a threat this month! Listeners' postbag includes questions on how to make your own potting compost, is it too soon to use biocontrols (nematodes), plus what has gone wrong with sickly seedlings.

And our guest this month is the reknowned entomologist, Dr Ian Bedford (known as Mr Bug to many). He reveals shocking news about our garden insects. And he and Chris discuss what we can do to help them survive.

The Organic Gardening Podcast, award-winning 2020 Gardening Podcast of the Year. You can subscribe/download it through your usual podcast provider - Apple podcasts, Spotify etc or here.