Take action on pesticides – now!

  • Last updated: 16 September 2022

In December 2020, the Government launched a crucially important three-month consultation on UK pesticide use.

They are calling for opinions on the draft UK National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides - referred to as ‘the NAP’. It sets out how pesticides will be used across the UK for the next five years.

While the current draft NAP contains some good measures, it is woefully inadequate in other areas and risks being yet another missed opportunity to tackle the harms from pesticides. It’s vital that the UK Government hears from as many people as possible before 26th February when the consultation ends.

We need to make sure your voice, the organic voice, is heard.
Garden Organic has responded in full. You can read our response here.

But we also know that the pesticide industry will be arguing their case. And we want to make sure that organic growers are also heard.

What can you do?
The consultation is in the form of a long questionnaire. But to keep it short and simple, we suggest you send a quick email.

Here’s how:
We've drafted our online action email. Copy the email, making any changes you wish, and send it to pesticides@defra.gov.uk.

It tells the Government that we want a strong NAP. One which drives a major reduction in pesticide-related harms to both human health and the environment.

It also says we want to see toxic pesticides banned from gardens and allotments. And a ban on amenity spraying near schools, colleges and playgrounds.

Your email will go straight to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). They are committed to reading all responses. And we know that each personal email counts more than numerous standard responses.

We, therefore, urge you to add your own words at the beginning, or even rewrite our suggested response. You can make it as short or as long as you like.

We have until 26th February.

Please let us know when you have written, by copying pr@gardenorganic.org.uk into your email.

This is a once in a generation chance to influence government policy. To save our health and wildlife by kicking the dependency on toxic pesticides.

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