Speak out for organic!

DEFRA has launched a nationwide consultation on farm policy after the UK leaves the European Union. The draft White Paper makes some very sound points, but we believe is it sadly inadequate on expressing support of organic growing.
If the words ‘white paper’ and ‘consultation’ sound too boring, we sympathise. However, this is an excellent opportunity for anyone who believes in organic growing to have a say on our future.
To speak up for organic principles, food and farming, we urge our members and supporters to voice their concerns. We’ve drafted an email (below) which you can copy, paste and send to DEFRA. Or you might like to add your own words as to why you think organic growing deserves more recognition and support. (Alternatively you can respond using Defra’s online version - which takes quite a bit longer.)
Garden Organic are currently involved in a number of consultation meetings with DEFRA, and we will be submitting our views via this wider consultation. Your voice will strengthen ours. Together we can keep organic high in the government’s agenda.
The address to write to is [email protected]. Please also copy us in [email protected] so we can gauge our members’ support.
This must be done by May 8th.
Here is our suggested text. Feel free to use your own words too:
I am writing in response to Defra’s landmark consultation on future farm policy ‘Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit’.
I am concerned that organic farming is not specifically mentioned in the White Paper. It refers to vital environmental outcomes such as improving soil health, water and air quality, and increasing biodiversity. These are cornerstones of organic growing, and yet the White Paper makes no mention of support or encouragement of organic practices.
I would like the government to recognise the contribution of organic growers. To embed the organic principles in any dialogue with the AHDB, as well as CPD for farmers. Only then will we be able to reduce pesticide use effectively, prioritise the management of our soils, and make it possible for the UK to truly achieve the benefits of a healthy and harmonious farming system.
Thank you for inviting comment and I look forward to hearing from you that my concerns have been taken into account.
To view the white paper, see here. Remember, this must be sent by May 8th. Thank you for your support.