Sign up for our new citizen science projects

Leaf miners and climate-change crops are the focus of this year’s members’ experiments.
Members can now sign up for our studies into whether companion planting can reduce allium leaf miner, or if achocha is a good alternative to imported or greenhouse-grown crops.
You can also take part in a survey of leaf beat miner – which over the last few years has progressed from being a minor nuisance to something that causes major damage.
Can companion planting reduce allium leaf miner?
Since it was first spotted in the UK in 2002, allium leaf miner has caused increasing amounts of damage to alliums, especially leeks. Although covering with mesh will reduce it, do we really want to have yet another crop that spends much of its life covered? We will test a number of companion planting combinations to try and outwit this pest.
Is achocha as good alternative crop?
Achocha is a climbing vine that produces many hollow fruits that resemble the cross of a cucumber and a pepper. It’s very popular in South America – but could it become an alternative to some of our glasshouse-grown or imported crops consumed in the UK?

A survey of leaf beet miner
Beet leaf miner is a small fly that lays its eggs on chard, beetroot and spinach. You will notice the trails and blemishes on the leaves. Over the last few years, it become something that causes major spoilage. Can you help us find out when and where it’s a problem so that we can inform other growers?
Head to our Members' Experiment pages to find out more and sign up.

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