Schools short film competition winners reap rewards

The brief for schools was to create a short film up to three minutes long about planting, sowing, growing, gardening, harvesting and eating good food at school. Kate Sheldon, Development Director at Trees for Cities, said: “Edible Playgrounds inspire children to grow and eat good food, and create a lifelong connection with nature. We are delighted to be part of the Food Growing Schools: London partnership. Our recent Grow On, Film It! competition has given children the opportunity to showcase the fantastic growing going on in London schools.”
They had a number of entries of a high standard and after careful consideration the winners were picked by a panel of judges which included Garden Organic's Head of Organic Horticulture Chris Collins, Stephanie Wood the Founder of School Food Matters, Colette Bond, Garden Organic's Head of Education and Kate Groves, Project Manager for Food Growing Schools: London.
Colette Bond, Head of Education at Garden Organic, said:
We are so pleased to have worked with Trees for Cities on this competition – and to see a great selection of entries submitted. The films gave us an insight into the work going on in London schools and I hope that the winning entry will inspire many other schools to get involved in food growing as we know what an incredible impact it can have on children and the school community.
This year's winner of the “Grow On, Film It!” competition is Copenhagen Primary School in Islington. Copenhagen have won £500 worth of gardening equipment and their school's film was shown at the Schools Marketplace event organised by FGSL and Capital Growth at City Hall on Thursday 14 July.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, and Rosie Boycott, Chair of the London Food Board, visited every stall at the Schools Marketplace, showing great support to the initiative.
The runner up prize was awarded to Meridian High School in Croydon who get £100 worth of gardening and growing equipment. A special mention went to Midfield Primary School in Bromley for their great contribution called “Snail on a Trail”. Every school submitting a short film will receive a seasonal growing pack.
Kate Groves, Project Manager at Food Growing Schools: London, said: “The Food Growing Schools: London partnership has been encouraging schools to grow food since 2013 and we’re pleased to report that thousands of pupils are already enjoying the benefits. From improved health and wellbeing and developing an understanding of where are food comes from to developing skills, confidence and creating links with the community, films like this show what good comes from growing food in schools. Congratulations Copenhagen Primary School!”
The winning entries can be viewed at
Schools, local businesses, community organisations and volunteers can find out how to get involved in food growing in schools by visiting