Bulbs for the organic grower
If you’re looking to introduce some splashes of spring colour into your organic garden, the autumn months are the perfect time to plant spring and summer flowering bulbs.
If you’re looking to introduce some splashes of spring colour into your organic garden, the autumn months are the perfect time to plant spring and summer flowering bulbs.
The Autumn re-launch of ‘Earthworm Watch’ is set to inspire an army of gardeners and other citizen scientists across the UK to record the diversity of earthworms hidden beneath our feet!
Every year, Garden Organic invites the charity’s volunteer Master Gardeners, Master Composters, Food Buddies and Growing Buddies from across the UK to join them in celebrating another inspirational year of spreading the word on organic food growing, food preparation and home composting.
Garden Organic's new Head of Organic Horticulture, Chris Collins has a CV most gardeners can only dream of, taking in two Royal Botanic Gardens and the green space at 'The Queen's church' Westminster Abbey.
Breckland Council and national charity Garden Organic have launched a new scheme to create a network of volunteer ‘Growing Buddies’, to support older people and vulnerable residents in growing and gardening activities as part of the Breckland Master Gardeners Project.
Recent research from Nielsen has shown that the UK’s organic market is likely to reach and exceed a value of £2 billion by the end of this year, with a considerable percentage of that thanks to independents.
Greenpeace has just published an EU Pesticide Blacklist, which includes over 500 active substances of pesticides and herbicides which are currently approved by the EU. It includes the herbicide glyphosate. Of these 520 substances, 209 are considered are potential risk to human health and the environment.
Exposure to oilseed rape crops which have been treated with neonicotinoids has been linked to the long-term population decline of wild bee species across the English countryside, according to research published yesterday by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH).
Garden Organic's work with Golding Homes in Maidstone has received two prestigious awards in the Kent Housing Group Excellence Awards 2016.
As we're starting to put together the 2018 Heritage Seed Library Catalogue, we're on the look out for members wanting to share their excess seed with other members.