
  1. Trowel and herbs at our Master Gardeners project Wales

    Breckland Growing Buddy helps green-fingered care home

    Green-fingered residents at Westfields Care Home in Swaffham are growing fresh produce for the table, and colourful plants for communal areas, thanks to advice and support from Breckland Growing Buddy Linda Penney who visits the Home every week.

  2. Garden Organic Volunteer pruning garden arch

    New growing project to support local carers

    We are delighted to announce the launch of a new project - Thyme To Be. This is the latest in a number of social and therapeutic horticulture projects from the Warwickshire charity.

  3. A person digging a hand shovel in to a raised bed

    Southwark Food Poverty programme recruits Master Gardeners and Food Buddies

    We are currently recruiting more volunteers to join its two-year project in the borough of Southwark, working with people at risk of food poverty.

  4. Planting fruit trees

    Plan ahead to beat those January blues

    Close your eyes and think of summer. Bees buzzing, warm sun, the garden at its most verdant. Pears, apples and cherries hanging on the bough, their juices waiting for that taste explosion in your mouth.

  5. Wheat in field

    The Oxford Real Farming Conference

    In the first week in January, Oxford becomes the hub for farming folk to gather. The Oxford Farming conference is where agriculture and business rub shoulders, with the NFU, politicians and businessmen debating profits and outputs.

  6. Vegetables and flowers growing together at Ryton

    Make 2017 the year you master your organic garden!

    Organic growing can be a fantastic and rewarding pastime - as well as producing lovely flowers and food it can help you relax, take stock and escape the pressures of daily life.

  7. Trowel and herbs at our Master Gardeners project Wales

    Innovative growing project to support migrants

    Leicestershire Master Gardeners have been involved in setting up an innovative project in Oadby, where a local multicultural group is coordinating an effort to connect residents at a migrants’ hostel with local people.

  8. Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.

    Enjoy a greener Christmas

    For many households, Christmas is a time when more waste than usual is produced. Here we explore a few simple ways to make it a greener Christmas!

  9. Bee resting on pink coloured echinacea

    Shop organically for that special Christmas gift

    Here at Garden Organic, we've had fun dipping into some of our partners' winter gifts catalogue and sending Santa our wish list.

  10. Hands with soil

    World Soil Day

    To celebrate World Soil Day, Garden Organic have produced a soil information pack for gardeners. It includes a wealth of information on organic methods, gathered from more than 50 years of our charity’s research and development.