
  1. A slug in soil surrounded by leaves

    France declares public spaces pesticide free - private gardens will follow

    The French Senate has banned the use of pesticides for gardeners from 2019. This is excellent news for those campaigning against harmful chemicals contained in glyphosate formulations, as well as neonicotinoids.

  2. Hands holding a tray of organic vegetables including rainbow chard, tomatoes and squashes.

    MYHarvest research project

    A good meta description describes the content of the page, and is shown on other pages and typically also in search engine results. Ensure each page has a unique description.

  3. Gardens in May

    A big welcome to two new partner gardens...

    We are delighted to have two new partner gardens on-board, Nant y Bedd and Grapes Hill Community Garden

  4. Flowers on Chris's balcony

    One Man & his organic plot - Part Two

    Our Head of Organic Horticulture, Chris Collins takes us on his allotment journey...

  5. Mixture of plants in a garden

    Plants with alternative uses

    We are collecting information on alternative uses of plants amongst our members and supporters. Perhaps there is a plant you or your family have always used that you would like to tell us about.

  6. Peat free planting

    New publication - The Principles of Organic Gardening

    What are the fundamental principles behind organic gardening? We know about not using toxic chemicals, but in truth there is more, much more, to creating a resilient and healthy natural growing space.

  7. Bumblebee on Ajuga Reptans

    Worrying level of pesticides found in 'Bee Friendly' plants

    New research has found that many of the plants sold in garden centres as 'Bee or Pollinator Friendly' in fact contain dangerous levels of pesticides.

  8. Butterfly on organge flowers

    B&Q announce ban on growers treating any flowering plants with neonicotinoid pesticides

    To help support wildlife and address the declining bee population, home improvement retailer B&Q announced its flowering plant range, available from February 2018, will be grown free from all neonicotinoid pesticides.

  9. Chris Collins holding young seedlings

    One Man & his organic plot - Part Three

    Our head of Organic Horticulture Chris Collins updates us on his balcony and allotment progress including transplanting young plants, welcoming a family of blue tits, and gorging on fresh salad leaves.

  10. Insects on sunflower

    Major advances in the fight against neonics

    This week, two important steps have been made in the fight to rid our gardens and countryside of damaging neonicotinoid insecticides.