
  1. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate authorised - but only for 5 years

    The EU have finally voted to renew the licence for glyphosate. But only for 5 years. It has taken 18 months of battling between the agrichemical industry, who wanted a full 15 years licence renewal, and concerned individuals, NGOs and environmental organisations who wanted the substance banned.

  2. Bee on flowers

    RHS responds to criticisms of 'Perfect for Pollinators'

    The Royal Horticultural Society has admitted to reviewing its 'Perfect for Pollinators' scheme, after research showed plants in garden centres contained a mixture of pesticides which could harm the pollinators.

  3. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate petition discussed in EU parliament

    Earlier this year, over three thousand Garden Organic members signed a petition on glyphosate. This week it was presented to the EU parliament.

  4. Gooseberry sawfly on a leaf

    Shocking facts on pesticides

    Shocking facts on pesticide use were revealed yesterday, at a high level debate on Pesticides and food: is low dose exposure harmful? Held at the Royal Society of Medicine.

  5. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate future still undecided

    European ministers have once again reached stalemate on whether to relicense the weed killer chemical glyphosate.

  6. Bee on echinacea

    Neonics - UK to back ban says Gove

    Michael Gove, Minister for the Environment, has committed the UK to backing a ban on bee-harming pesticides.

  7. Dead Oak Tree

    Xylella fastidiosa. What is it?

    What is Xylella? Is it a risk for British plants?

  8. Chris Collins in his winter garden

    One man & his organic plot - Part Seven

    ‘Bumper crop’ is a good couple of words to start my blog this month and to conclude a bit of a whirl wind season as far as my own gardening efforts are concerned.

  9. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    Glyphosate decision delayed by EU Commission

    After Tuesday's vote in the EU parliament to limit the glyphosate licence for just 5 years, the EU Commission was expected to ratify this decision the day after. Instead, they failed to take a vote.

  10. person in white suit spraying weed killer on plants.

    EU lawmakers demand five-year phase out of weedkiller glyphosate

    The European Parliament called on Tuesday for weedkiller glyphosate to be phased out in the next five years, prompting the European Commission to drop its proposal for a 10 year licence extension.