Our second Compost Demonstration Site is open!

Our new Compost Demonstration Site in Ford Park, Ulverston, shows how easy it is to compost at home - with any size garden or budget. Visitors to the site can get hands-on experience trying out different types of compost bin, from Green Johannas and HotBins to tumblers and wormeries.
A sister to our site at Gosling Sike, the project is a joint venture between Cumbria Master Composters and Ford Park staff and volunteers. It’s been made possible with funding from Westmorland and Furness Council and Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS).

An Apple Day open day
The official opening of the site took place during Ford Park’s annual Apple Day on Saturday 7th October. Master Composters were on hand to explain and demonstrate the various compost bins and the benefits of composting. And Apple Day was a perfect event as it generated plenty of compostable waste from the apple pressing!
“It’s so exciting to see this composting site open, and offering Ulverston residents the chance for hands-on experience of composting – making it easier for them to do it themselves at home,” says Frankie Kennett, project coordinator for Cumbria Master Composters (Westmorland and Furness). “These Composting Demonstration Sites really are unique, and there’s nowhere else that people can benefit from such comprehensive, expert advice about how to recycle their kitchen and garden waste.”
Garden Organic chief executive Fiona Taylor added: “Composting is simple but important, and we’re on a mission to demystify it. The best way to get people composting is to show them how it’s done. Our Compost Demonstration Sites do just that, inspiring people to create their own system at home that will turn their food and green waste into a brilliant resource that will nourish soil, seeds and plants.”

Community composting
The collaboration with Ford Park, an existing charity and well-established community project, has been particularly successful. The volunteers and staff at the site were already composting, with the help of the dedicated Master Composters in their team.
Master Composter Steve has been sharing his expertise since the start of the Master Composter project in Cumbria in 2017, and has also been volunteering at Ford Park and supporting their composting during this time. In turn, he’s inspired parks maintenance officer Toby to become a Master Composter.
“Steve is our composting inspiration, the king of comfrey corner and the biggest rotter of them all - with lots of experience and helpful practical advice!” said Toby.
The new demonstration site at Ford Park is one of a network of sites being set up across Cumbria and the first site to be opened in Westmorland and Furness.
For more information about Master Composters or our Compost Demonstration Sites go to gardenorganic.org.uk/master-composters. Or click here for composting tips.