Organic Gardening Podcast - August

In this month's Organic Gardening Podcast we chat to Nick Mole from Pesticide Action Network (PAN UK) about why pesticides should be banned in urban areas.
Alternative text should describe the visual content of the image.
Spraying between paving in Lewisham. Photo: Iris Borgers

“Knowing there are alternatives to pesticides that work, makes pesticide use in our towns and cities completely unnecessary," says Nick, policy officer at PAN UK, in our August podcast. "France has banned the use of all non-agricultural pesticides. They have legislation in place and it works. It's often hard, councils are facing all sorts of difficulties - so we need that support from our legislators.”

Fiona finds out more about the #GoPesticideFree campaign, which runs until September, and is calling on the government to ban pesticide use in towns and cities. And finds out how communities can be affected by pesticide use.

You can sign the petition to ban the use of pesticides in urban spaces here.

Also in this episode…

Chris and Fiona discuss why hardy annuals are popping up in Chris’s allotment, and look forward to September seed sowing. From the postbag, the team troubleshoot a late flowering courgette, and, with the help of listeners, find out what animal was causing last month’s 'strawberry piles'!

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