On the harvest front

With the late sun still shining last week my mind turned to what I can sow now for a winter or early spring crop.
Garlic and onions harvested

It was one of my aims for this year’s gardening season to have crops in the ground through winter but I’m afraid that in the busyness of the last few months it has somewhat slipped. However, I have been researching and found that even without buying any new seeds, I’ve still got plenty of varieties to try.

As I mentioned before I sowed one bed with broad beans as green manure – well it seems that I did this too early as they grew and have now produced a crop! Not that I’m complaining, but I’ll be pulling these up and trying again to have them in over winter for an early spring harvest.

I’ve also planted a row of rainbow chard next to my parsnips. And I’ve planted up pots in the cold frame of lettuce – Winter Gem and a cut and come again pack, as well as a pot of peas for pea shoots. I’ve got some winter cauliflower seeds ready for planting next month and I thought that I might try some garlic. I’ve got some leftover from my organic farm box, so next month (I believe on a full moon?) I’ll be putting these in too.

On the harvest front, we’re still enjoying our tomatoes, cucumber, courgettes, chard, beetroot, raspberries and our delicious sweetcorn.

Finally, amongst our delicious sweetcorn crop, we found a rather lovely white and yellow stripy rainbow corn which caused great excitement (and fighting over who got to eat it!).

More about Lucy...
Lucy is part of the fantastic Heritage Seed Library team, working hard to grow and preserve seed varieties that are no longer available so that our members can enjoy growing them at home. Raising two young children, Lucy is keen to grow an array of fruit and vegetables to become more sustainable and to encourage her children to get involved in growing.

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