National Action Plan on Pesticides 2021

The government has published a draft National Pesticide Plan 2021. And they are asking the public to comment before it is put before parliament later in the year.

Garden Organic will be writing in response to the draft Plan. These are some of the issues we will be commenting on:

  1. An ambitious reduction target - both by the number of pesticides used, as well as their toxicity
  2. That the plan should be part of a move towards natural pest control - encouraging and helping farmers get advice on Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM places the emphasis on the growth of a healthy crop, by using fewer pesticides and more natural pest control mechanisms.
  3. A phasing out of toxic pesticide use near schools, playgrounds and parks, as well as pesticides of particular concern for wildlife, endangered plants and fungi or human health

We are also joining others in asking for a better, fit for purpose regulatory process, and the creation of an independent advice and research facility for farmers and agronomists. This will include an increase in funding for research into organic and agroecological farming systems. Garden Organic is working closely with other organisations, such as RSPB, PAN UK, Cancer UK, Friends of the Earth, Soil Association to make sure DEFRA hears a concerted voice which is loud and clear.

We will share our response with you, our members and followers. If you too want to write, telling Defra that you support a strong National Action Plan that leads directly to a reduction in pesticide use, then here is the response page. We’d love to hear from you as well, telling us you have taken action.

Please note the consultation closes on 26th February 2021.