MYHarvest research project

Gardeners across the country are encouraged to sign up and record their individual harvests. There is no doubt that growing your own produce contributes to a healthy diet and general well-being. But we don’t know how much own-grown food gardeners and growers are able to produce. And can it contribute to this country’s food security?
Whether you grow in an allotment, a small back garden or even on a balcony, MYHarvest would like to hear from you. How many potatoes will you dig up? How many bowls of strawberries or beans will you pick? It’s easy to sign up, and as the summer passes it is easy to record your own individual harvest, down to the last apple. And the good news for Garden Organic members is that you can specify that you grow organically.
Sign up now, before you start picking! Research is led by the University of Sheffield.