Meet Jekka McVicar, Queen of Herbs, in this month’s podcast.

Chris and Jekka chat over a cuppa, as he hears about her remarkable life in the world of growing herbs. Did she really ride on the back of Jamie Oliver’s scooter? Play at Glastonbury? She did, of course, win worldwide respect for her innovative and dedicated herb growing - plus countless RHS and Chelsea gold medals.

Jekka is a confirmed organic grower. “I understood the importance about being part of the chain. We’re so arrogant as humans that we don’t understand that if you do not have pollinating insects, you do not have food...I learnt that plants can survive without us, but we can’t survive without them.”

Tune in to also hear Chris and Sarah discuss summer fruit growing, your monthly tasks in the allotment, and Anton gets technical with the irritating flea beetle munching through his rocket leaves.

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