Keeping up momentum

Having had a week away there has been lots of weeding to do on the plot but also lots of picking. I’ve gone overboard with the beans, with more than one family could possibly eat. And while happy to give them all away it's hard to stay on top of picking and not letting them get old and stringy.

I mentioned last week that I might have finally beaten my nemesis – tomatoes! Considering they are so widely grown from balconies to allotments I really don’t know why they never work for me but, while early signs are normally good, I never seem to make it to the ripe stage. However, this year I have! With my beautiful new tomato planter built by my husband, I tried several different varieties this year, mostly aiming for small ones that would ripen quicker. So, the first choice had to be Currant which is tiny and can apparently withstand any amount of neglect! I have two in pots and two in the ground, the pot being the better option as they can fall down the sides rather than scramble all over the floor to be trodden on. They are now producing tiny, delicious, ripe fruits which the children love to pick and eat. So, although none will make the kitchen, they're well worth growing. I also have a Broad Ripple Yellow Currant which is producing even sweeter and slightly larger yellow tomatoes and some Little Tatyana and an Elsa Craig which are nearly ripe. And finally, I have two self-seeded tomatoes growing in our bonfire area, I have no idea where they came from, so it will be interesting to see what they produce!

On the allotment, as well as all the beans, we’ve been picking courgettes, raspberries, more tomatoes, spinach and baby carrots. My daughter has planted more seeds into her bed – rainbow chard, lettuce and spinach. Overall I’m pleased with how it looks at the moment, this part of the year seems to be less work and more reward which is great but I know I need to keep up the momentum if I want any winter produce.

More about Lucy...
Lucy is part of the fantastic Heritage Seed Library team, working hard to grow and preserve seed varieties that are no longer available so that our members can enjoy growing them at home. Raising two young children, Lucy is keen to grow an array of fruit and vegetables to become more sustainable and to encourage her children to get involved in growing.

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