Heritage Seed Library search for seed guardians

Harvesting our heritage seed is now in full flow – and a very satisfying stage in our growing year. In addition to the seed we grow on-site at Ryton we depend on a nationwide network of volunteer Seed Guardians – members who take on the additional responsibility of growing and returning seed for varieties we need help with.

Their work ensures that heritage varieties continue to be maintained in the collection and shared with other members when we have available seed. If you are already an HSL member and keen veg grower, have a spare garden bed, and would like to help us by growing seed for the library then we would love to hear from you. In return, we offer all volunteers an induction to organic seed production, as well as advice and support throughout your growing year.

Of the 42,000 plus packets of seed distributed to members each year, around 50% are produced by Seed Guardians. There are currently around 180 Seed Guardians working hard to produce seed for the Heritage Seed Library, but we always need more!

Click here for more information about helping us and becoming a Seed Guardian.