Help us #NurtureNature and stop vital environmental protections being scrapped

We’re standing with other environmental organisations such as the RSPB and The Wildlife Trusts to ask you to help us #NurtureNature. STOP the Retained EU Law Bill scrapping vital environmental protections, by taking these easy steps.
Bumblebee on Ajuga Reptans
Rules governing the protection and regulation of habitats, plant products, chemicals and pesticides could be scrapped

The Government is weakening vital environmental protections by setting in motion deregulation that will see many of our most important environmental rules and protections discarded.

It has announced plans to bring forward the Retained EU Law Bill. This threatens to repeal 570 environmental laws by the end of 2023. Laws that have existed for decades to protect wild places and wildlife, ensure standards for water quality, pollution, and the use of pesticides.

The Bill will allow Ministers, and the Devolved Administrations, powers to extend deadlines to 2026, revoke legislation, or replace them with any alternative provision they consider appropriate.

We stand with other environmental charities such as the RSPB and Wildlife Trusts that are united against this and in support of nature.

Key areas of concern for Garden Organic are that rules governing the protection and regulation of habitats, plant products, chemicals and pesticides could be scrapped.

Please show you don’t support deregulation by taking one of the actions below:

• Write to your local councillor or MP: find your local councillor here and find your MP here.

• Sign the petition to stop laws being axed that protect our environment.

• Share your views on social media using the hashtag #NurtureNature or #AttackonNature.

• Take action in your own garden. Support nature on a micro level by composting, going peat-free and gardening for wildlife.

• Gift our membership to friends and family to help grow the movement and enable us to fight on a national and international level about environmental matters important to you.