Get your winter vitamin fix!

If you need your fresh green salad fix in the dark days of winter, then don’t despair. Some seeds will still germinate under cover. From oriental leaves to winter spinach and cress – your vitamin intake will stay intact.
To help decipher what salad leaves are suitable for winter sowing, the team at The Organic Gardening catalogue have put together a special pack containing eight full seed packets: Corn Salad, Winter Lettuce Voldor, Rocket, Endive Wallone, Claytonia, Spring Onion Ramrod, Chicory Palla Rossa and Winter Cress.
Alternatively you may like to choose your own greens. Try the Mizuna, or aptly named Mustard Green in Snow. And if you don’t want to risk late germination, then sprouting seeds couldn’t be easier. Most veg seeds will sprout into edible shoots for a tasty salad: mung beans, fenugreek, alfalfa and pea provide a good crunch as well as vitamins. You could even treat yourself to a complete seed sprouter starter pack from The Organic Gardening Catalogue (or perhaps put it on your Christmas list?!).
Full details of all the items above can be found on The Organic Gardening Catalogue's website, and every sale supports the work of Garden Organic.