Garden Organic supports The Prince of Wales’ Half Term Nature Challenge

Throughout this week (Monday 15th – Saturday 20th February), daily tasks will be set via the Clarence House Instagram page. Each challenge has been provided by one of the charities His Royal Highness supports and will encourage young people (and families) to grab their wellies and engage with the Natural World on their doorstep.
The series of challenges have been curated to ensure they are accessible and achievable to all those wanting to take part, whether in urban, rural or seaside locations. All challenges can be carried out locally and any travel should be on foot only.
To take part in the challenges, look out for the daily information from @ClarenceHouse on Instagram and follow the hashtag #POWNatureChallenge. You can share your responses throughout the week in the form of drawings, photographs or even short films - don't forget to tag @GardenOrganicUK in! A gallery of highlights will be posted on the Clarence House pages the following week.
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales kicked off the week of challenges at the weekend:
It's at this time of year that all sorts of wonderful things start happening as Nature wakes up the world from its Winter sleep. Buds on trees will soon become leaves, bulbs will start pushing Spring flowers up through the soil and we'll soon be hearing the wonderful sound of birdsong every morning. These things will happen near you, whether you live in a town, or a city or in the countryside.
What I love to see is how each of these things depends on everything else happening - how the millions of tiny organisms in the soil make it possible for the flower to grow; how the trees become home to lots of insects and give shelter to birds as they build their nests.
So here's a challenge for you. While you have a little time off from all your online learning, can you encourage your family to go our with you to take a really close look at the wonderful things Nature is now doing, and how the same patterns occur over and over again?
We are excited to be setting the first challenge of the week - to grow a cress caterpillar!
Here's what you need to do:
Instructions - Find an old egg box or rescue a pot from the recycling. Fill the pot with soil or cotton wool and scatter it with cress seeds. Keep it in a warm, sunny spot and water so it doesn't dry out. You'll have tasty cress to add to a sandwich or salad in just a couple of days!
If this week isn't half term in your area, don't worry, you can make your cress caterpillar over a few evenings or at the weekend. You could even link it to your learning by counting the seeds, painting shapes and colours on to your caterpillar, learning how seeds germinate and cooking with the tasty cress!
You can download the instructions on how to make a cress caterpillar here. Don't forget to tag @GardenOrganicUK in to your pictures!