Garden Organic signs peat ban letter to George Eustace, Environment Secretary

  • Last updated: 6 October 2022

Garden Organic has signed a letter to the government calling for a complete ban on peat in garden compost in the next five years. We joined Monty Don, as well as other organisations such as The National Trust, Friends of the Earth, The RHS and Plantlife, in writing to George Eustace, Environment Secretary, after new figures show the government has missed its target on banning peat for gardeners by 2020.

Monty Don describes the continued use of peat in compost as “environmental vandalism”. We say “Peat is not necessary for potting composts. We can show you how to make your own, peat-free mixes – thereby saving peat and the planet.”

New figures released in recent weeks show the rate of decrease in the retail and professional horticulture sectors is distressingly “small and slow”. The voluntary target to end its use in the amateur sector by 2020 has been completely missed, and the 2030 target to end its use in the professional sector is also at risk.

Peatlands act as carbon sinks, trapping in carbon more effectively than forests, thus helping mitigate the impacts of climate change. They also help to control flooding and are a unique wetlands ecosystem.

We have already destroyed or degraded nearly 95% of peat bogs in the UK. Now, nearly two-thirds of our peat is imported from the Republic of Ireland and other EU countries.

See here for more information on peat and how to grow peat-free.

Join our For Peat’s Sake campaign today.