Free training for Master Composters and eco-volunteers

You can help support Leicestershire and Suffolk residents to reduce waste, make space for nature and cut back carbon emissions by becoming a Master Composter or eco-volunteer.
We’ve teamed up with Leicestershire County Council and its Less Waste project, and Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Recycles, to recruit new volunteers in the county to spread the sustainability message.
If you’re interested in:
- Becoming a home composting expert
- Recycling waste
- Reducing carbon emissions
- Or identifying and protecting ancient trees
…then come along to the free in-person training session in Leicestershire on 7 March 2025, to learn how to become a Master Composter and Love Food Hate Waste adviser - and discover more about biodiversity and recycling.
In Suffolk, the induction and training day for new volunteers is planned for 28 March at the Food Museum in Stowmarket.
Once trained, you can choose when, where and how you volunteer, and get involved in a range of workshops and talks, support community groups, establish compost demonstration sites and help run events.
To find out more and register your interest click here for Leicestershire information and here for Suffolk.