Everyday banking with Values – Triodos Bank

Did you know you can support the organic movement through your banking? Triodos Bank recognises the importance and benefits of organic food. The Bank only lends money to producers and retailers that are working for positive change and supports the organic farming system that not only mitigates the impact that agriculture has on the environment, but actively seeks to improve it.

Unusually for a bank, they are 100% transparent about who they lend to so you can see exactly where your money goes on their website - businesses such as Riverford who deliver vegetables to 50,000 homes a week, or the Soil Association, an environmental charity promoting sustainable organic farming and championing human health.

In 2018, the organically managed land on the farms which Triodos Bank financed produced the equivalent of 32 million organic meals. They also financed approximately 35,000 hectares of organic farmland across Europe.

The Bank also finances renewable energy, community projects and social housing and is therefore known as a pioneer in sustainable banking, using the power of finance to invest in businesses, entrepreneurs and projects that are good for people and the planet.

Garden Organic have been Triodos customers and partners since 2013. James Campbell, our Chief Executive says

Garden Organic are proud to work with Triodos Bank. We fully support their approach of putting people and the planet before profits – that’s why we bank with them and encourage our members to do so too

If you’re new to Triodos and open a current account, savings account or Cash ISA, not only will your money have a positive impact by supporting a bank that is lending to organisations and businesses that deliver positive change for people and planet, they’ll donate £40 to help us sustain our vital work. Terms, conditions and eligibility apply – click here for more information