Deck the halls with rolls of toilet paper!
One of our Shropshire Master Composters has come up with a novel way to recycle toilet rolls by making them into Christmas decorations!

Our Master Composters are expert recyclers, but they’re not just transforming garden and kitchen waste into something useful.
Master Composter Julie Hepplewhite has swapped plastic decorations for homemade crafts this Christmas, with these lovely cardboard stars made from loo rolls.
Here’s Julie’s instructions…
- Flatten the middle of a loo roll and cut it into four equal parts. You only use three parts, so set aside the spare one to make another star every third roll.
- Mark a deep inverted V on each end of the cut pieces. The key here is to keep the edges of the inverted V joined together. These form the points of your star (as pictured in the top right-hand corner of the photo).
- When you’ve cut the six Vs out, your star is ready to slot together.
- Thread one point with twine and add a couple of wooden beads. Tie a knot in the twine and hang on your tree!