Campaign to make Brighton and Hove pesticide free

Garden Organic is joining PAN-UK in their latest campaign to make towns and cities pesticide free. Their current action is in Brighton & Hove Council - ahead of the city-wide council elections on 2nd May.
If you live in the city, you can support PAN-UK's campaign, and contact the election candidates, asking them to pledge to end the Council’s use of toxic pesticides in the city's public spaces - including parks, playgrounds and pavements and around hospitals, shopping centres and schools. Just click here .
It doesn't take more than a minute. And you'll be joining the hundreds of residents who want to ban unnecessary pesticides in the city.
Remember, this action only applies if you live in Brighton and Hove. If you don't, but you know someone who does, send them this link
Urban pesticide use is bad for human health and the environment, and there are plenty of councils in the UK that have already switched to non-chemical alternatives.
See here for how to avoid using toxic chemicals such as glyphosate in your own garden and growing area.