Calling all seed swappers...

The Seed Swap section of the catalogue includes a listing of individuals with excess seed, or those on the look out for particular varieties to swap. It's a great opportunity to share seed with other likeminded growers, and get your hands on something a big different.
If you'd like to be included in this year's listing just send:
- Your name and address or contact details*
- A list of the variety(ies) you are offering, including a description of no more than 20 words for non-Heritage Seed Library varieties.
- A list of the variety(ies) you want.
To: Seed Swap Register, Heritage Seed Library, Garden Organic, Ryton Organic Gardens, Coventry, CV8 3LG.
Or email [email protected] with ‘seed swap register’ in the subject line. The deadline for inclusion in the 2018 Catalogue is Sunday 23rd October 2017.
We also include a list of external seed swap events in the Heritage Seed Library Catalogue. If you would like to advertise your swap in the 2018 Catalogue send the details (name of event, location, date, times and contact details) to the above address/email by the same date to guarantee inclusion.
*NB seeds are swapped directly between individuals. Your name and address/contact details will be published in the Catalogue.