Bocking 14 Comfrey growing at Ryton

International Resources

The International Programme produces a range of publications on organic and ecological agricultural techniques in the following subject areas:
  • General
  • Agroforestry and Multipurpose Trees
  • Chainsaw milling
  • Natural Pest, Disease and Weed Control
  • Prosopis
  • Seed Saving and Suppliers
  • Soil Fertility
  • Trade and Certification
  • Kiswahili Resources

These publications are designed to assist farmers, small organisations, government extension workers and other groups in their advisory, demonstration and educational work.

  • Booklets - (20 pages A5) provide clear and straightforward information on basic techniques.
  • Leaflets - (1-2 page A4) provide detailed information on specific plants, trees, pests and diseases.
  • Resource Lists - (1 page A4) provide contact information on a range of topics.
  • Briefing Papers and Research Papers - from our research projects.

Agroforestry and Multipurpose Trees 🔗



Chainsaw milling 🔗

Policy Briefs


Natural Pest, Disease and Weed Control 🔗


Disease Control Leaflets

Natural Pesticides Leaflets

Pest Control Leaflets

Research Papers

Resource Lists

Prosopis 🔗


  • Prosopis juliflora (Vilayati babul): A Technical Manual (2000) Tewari, JC, Harris PJC, Harsh LN, Cadoret K and Pasiecznik NM. CAZRI, Jodhpur, India and HDRA, Coventry, UK. 96pp. ISBN 0 905343 27 1
    Managing Prosopis Manual

    Managing Prosopis Cover

For our comprehensive collection of books, conference and workshop proceedings, CDs, films, policy briefs and reports relating to this important species, please follow this link.

Soil Fertility 🔗



Research Papers

A Review of the Use of Urban Waste in Peri-Urban Interface Production Systems (1998) Allison M, Harris PJC, Hofny-Collins AH, Stephens W. HDRA, Coventry, UK. 34pp. ISBN 0 905343 23 9

Manure Management in the Kenya Highlands: Practices and Potential (1999)

Lekasi JK, Tanner JC, Kimani SK, Harris PJC. HDRA, Coventry, UK. 35pp. ISBN 0 905343 25 5. 2nd edition.

Trade and Certification 🔗


How to certify organic produce for export to Europe

Research Papers

Resource Lists

Kiswahili Resources 🔗