Nasturtium flowers


Nasturtiums are a great addition to any organic garden, not only do they make a colourful addition to salads, pasta, meat dishes and vinaigrettes, they attract a whole host of beneficial insects.
Growing calendar
Sow indoors Mar - Apr
Sow outdoors May
Plant out/transplant May
Harvest Jun - Sep

How to grow nasturtium

Sow nasturtium seed 1.5cm deep in pots or rows. Thin or transplant seedings to 20cm apart.

Choose a sunny site but avoid very fertile soil. Keep nasturtium plants well-watered in dry weather.

Harvesting and using nasturtium

The colourful petals, leaves and seed pods of this annual plant are all edible. Nasturtium has a deliciously spicy-peppery tasting flower and the leaves have a taste similar to cress. The fat green seed pods can be pickled and used as an alternative to capers.

Pick nasturtium flowers just after they open fully. Keep picking and remove seed heads to encourage more flowers.

Tips on growing nasturtium

  • Nasturtium plants grown in very fertile soil are likely to grow lots of leaves but not many flowers.
  • Wash off any aphids on the leaves and pick of caterpillars, cut back plants if the attack is severe.
Growing notes
Difficulty Easy
Germination time 10-20 days
Average time to harvest From 8 weeks
Equipment needed None
Average plant size 30cm tall x 45cm wide
Family group to grow with Miscellaneous
Seed saving notes Annual, can cross-pollinate
Key nutritional content Low calorie complement