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English (pot) marigold

Pot or English marigolds (also known as calendula) add a golden ray of sunshine to any garden. They are simple to grow, easy to save seed from and are loved by lacewings and ladybirds.
Growing calendar
Sow outdoors Mar - May
Harvest Jun - Sep

How to grow English or pot marigolds (calendula)

Sow seed 0.5cm deep in pots or rows and thin or transplant seedlings to 20cm apart.

Choose a sunny site with reasonably well-drained soil. Keep picking to encourage more flowers.

Remove growing tips to encourage bushy growth.

Harvesting and using English or pot marigolds (calendula)

Pot marigolds produce orange or yellow flowers, which come in a range of flavours: spicy, bitter, tangy or peppery. Petals can be sprinkled on soups, pasta, salads and rice. Powdered petals, also known as poor man’s saffron, can be added to give a golden hint to herb butter, spreads, soups and scrambled egg.

Young leaves are also edible.

Tips on growing English or pot marigolds (calendula)

  • Cut off English marigold seed heads to prevent excessive self-seeding.
  • Open flowers forecast a fine day ahead.
Growing notes
Difficulty Easy
Germination time 7-14 days
Average time to harvest From 10 weeks
Equipment needed None
Average plant size 30-60cm tall and wide
Family group to grow with Asteraceae: lettuce, chicory
Seed saving notes Annual, can cross-pollinate
Key nutritional content Low calorie complement