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Borage is an annual herb often grown in Mediterranean countries, with bright blue-purple star-shaped flowers that taste mildly of cucumber.
Growing calendar
Sow outdoors Mar - May
Harvest Jun - Mid Oct

How to grow borage

Sow borage seed 0.5cm deep in rows, or scatter the seed and rake in. Thin seedlings to 45cm apart. Choose a sunny site.

Water borage in prolonged dry weather. Remove weeds from around the plants.

Tall borage stems may need staking, particularly when in more fertile soil. Borage will readily self-seed so you get new plants each year.

Harvesting and using borage

Borage is an annual herb with bright blue-purple star shaped flowers that taste mildly of cucumber. The flowers can be tossed in a salad or floated on summer beverages such as Pimms. Borage flowers are also excellent as a garnish for both sweet and savoury dishes and on iced soups.

The flowers can also be crystallized for cake decorations.

Pick borage flowers just after they open fully. Keep picking for more flowers. You can also pick young fresh borage leaves but be careful - skin contact will leaves may cause irritation.

Tips for growing borage

  • Avoid transplanting as borage plants dislike disturbance to their tap root.
Growing notes
Difficulty Easy
Germination time 10-20 days
Average time to harvest From 8 weeks
Equipment needed Stakes
Average plant size 60cm tall and wide
Family group to grow with Miscellaneous
Seed saving notes Annual, self-pollinating
Key nutritional content Vitamin C, calcium, iron