
Shropshire Organic Gardeners

Contact details

Chairwoman - Rachel Strivens
01743 891607
[email protected]

Frequency and location

We meet every month throughout the year. In the summer (May-October) we meet at gardens and different locations for visits. In the winter (November-April) we meet at the Bradbury Room, Drapers Place, Horsefair, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6BP

Information for beginners

Our group is suitable for beginners. 

Subscription information

We have an annual subscription rate of £12 per person. Visitors £3 per visit, meetings and gardens (unless there is a separate fee for a garden)

Other information

We attend local shows as requested and the Chairwoman is available to give talks. From profits made at Potato Day we make donations to other local charities, particularly those related to gardening such as local Community Food Growing projects, seed saving schemes and anything related to organic growing. Our website lists the groups we have donated to recently.