South West

Gloucestershire Organic Gardening Group

Contact details

Vic & Stella Ellis
01242 230 442
[email protected]

Frequency and location

Please email us for the locations of upcoming meetings.

Information for beginners

Our group is suitable for beginners.

Subscription information

Annual subscription for the group is £13 for a family and £10 for a single membership. Discounts available for unwaged individuals (discounted rates are £10 for family and £8 for singles).

Other information

All indoor meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month, September - May, at 8.00pm (doors open at 7.30) at St. John’s Church Hall, St. John’s Ave, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2DA with talks on gardening and related subjects, and social events (see website for details). In June, July and August we make evening visits to local gardens. In addition we attend shows such as the Malvern Flower Show, run trips to gardens and arrange a 5/6 day holiday to visit gardens in various parts of the UK and Ireland. We produce a magazine entitled 'ALLAGOGG' which is issued free to members three times a year giving the annual programme, plus articles of interest on gardening and other subjects.