Monthly growing advice
What to sow and plant in March

Your greenhouse and windowsills will become jam-packed with seedlings this month. Start the season as you mean to go on by ensuring pots, trays and tools are clean before sowing to minimise pests and diseases.
If you haven’t had chance to sow your long season crops indoors, such as tomatoes and peppers, then light levels will allow for quicker germination, and less straggly seedlings this month.
Three things to sow in March…
…for wildlife: the large golden blooms of calendula are attractive to all kinds of bees, hoverflies and lacewings, acting as a natural pest control and a very useful kitchen ingredient.
…for food: whether you like them baked, boiled or chipped, potatoes are easy to grow and can also help supress weeds and improve soil structure.
…for containers: no garden is complete without luscious spring greens. Sow spinach and lettuce in pots this month for cut-and-come again supplies outside the backdoor.
Scroll down to see a complete list of things to sow and grow in March.
Growing conditions can vary dramatically across the country, even within a locality. So, if you’re new to growing and are unsure about exactly what to do and when, ask other vegetable growers nearby, and be guided by the weather and soil conditions.
Sow outdoors
- Broad beans
- Beetroot (early varieties)
- Early carrots
- Parsnips
- Maincrop peas
- Radish
- Spinach
- Spinach beet
- Turnip
Plant outdoors
- Asparagus
- Onion sets
- Potatoes
- Shallots
- Jerusalem artichoke
Sow indoors or green house, in trays and modules
- Baby beetroot (M)
- Brussels sprouts - for early crops
- Kohlrabi (M)
- Early cabbage
- Summer cabbage
- Early cauliflower
- Bulb onions
- Spring onions
- Tomatoes - for growing in a cold greenhouse or tunnel
- Lettuce
M - these plants resent root disturbance and are best raised in module trays only.
For more information on growing each type of vegetable refer to our comprehensive list of Growing Cards.