Daisies in lawn

How to grow lawns

Think of your lawn not just as a blank green carpet, but composed of thousands of separate plants. The organic lawn can feed birds and insects, as well as hosting flowers. And you can still mow, sit or play on it!
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Lawns this month

In areas where grass is sparse and difficult to grow, dig it well in and plant a ground-covering plant instead such as ajuga (Ajuga reptans, common name ‘Bugle”) in shady areas under trees.

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Your organic garden in June

Early summer in the organic garden is full of colourful new growth. This makes a busy - but lovely - month in the garden. Keep on top of weeds and remember the two organic principles: good soil management, and diverse planting to encourage plenty of beneficial wildlife.

Ladybird on a Nasturtium leaf

The Principles of Organic Gardening

Organic gardening works within natural systems and cycles. Find out how to practice the five principles.