Peas are one of the easiest veg to grow yourself organically - and nothing beats the taste of a juicy pea, fresh from the pod.
Growing calendar
Sow outdoors Mid Feb - Jun and mid Oct - mid Nov
Harvest Mid May - Sep

How to grow peas

Sow peas directly into the soil, in two lines 10cm apart, with peas in each row spaced 5cm apart. Alternatively, regularly sow peas 3cm deep in pots and transplant, spacing the transplanted plants 60-90cm apart.

Protect pea seedlings from birds. You may need to protect with a cloche in Feb/Mar and Oct/Nov. Water established plants as soon as flowering starts and mulch to conserve moisture. Support plants with wire mesh, netting or sticks.

Harvesting peas

Cut mangetout varieties when the pods are still flat, and shelling varieties (eg round peas, wrinkled and petit pois) when peas are felt through the pod. Pick regularly for more pods.

Peas are one of the easiest crops to save seed from. Visit our pea seed saving guidelines here.

Growing notes
Difficulty Easy
Germination time 7-19 days
Average time to harvest 10-14 weeks
Equipment needed Mesh, netting or sticks, and mulch (Eg compost)
Average plant size 90cm tall, 30cm wide
Family group to grow with Legumes: beans
Key nutritional content Vitamin C, fibre, folate
Seed saving notes Annual, self pollinating