Strawberries are a fantastic addition to any garden - no shop-bought strawberry will come anywhere near as close as the taste of a fresh, home-grown organic strawberry.

Strawberries are simple to grow and suitable for pots or small spaces.
Growing calendar
Plant out/transplant Sep - Oct and Mar - May
Harvest May - Oct

How to grow strawberries

Plant pot-grown or bare root 'runners' (young plants), spaced 30cm apart, allowing 60cm between rows. Choose well-drained, fertile soil in a sunny site.

Water and feed your strawberry plants. Remove the first flush of flowers for a good crop in second year. Keep the fruit clean with straw, sheeting or mats underneath.

Harvesting and using strawberries

Pick strawberries when they are fully coloured. Cover with horticultural fleece for a longer harvest.

We'd recommend replacing your strawberry plants every three years to continue getting a good crop (use a new location if possible), you can pot up the 'runners', or new plants, that are produced.

Tips for growing strawberries

Strawberries are loved by slugs and birds so it's worth adding some protection against slugs, and net your plants if possible, making sure that the netting is well-secured to avoid any birds getting trapped inside the net.

Growing notes
Difficulty Easy
Average time to harvest From 20 weeks
When to prune Tidy plants in spring
Equipment needed Feed, netting, horticultural fleece
Average plant size 15cm tall, 30cm wide
Family group to grow with Rosaceae: pear, blackberry
Key nutritional content Vitamin C