Pears are a delicious, sweet, and versatile fruit. Used mostly in jams, jellies, and puddings, learning to grow pears will provide an excellent addition to your organic harvest.
Growing calendar
Plant out/transplant Oct - Feb
Harvest Aug - Oct

How to grow pear trees

Plant single-stem or part-trained pear trees on a 'rootstock' suitable for your growing conditions, eg dwarf 'Quince C' or larger 'Quince A' - it should tell you the rootstock on the plant label or information. Grow varieties that flower together.

Choose well-drained, fertile soil in a warm, sunny, sheltered site.

Stake your tree, water well (particularly in the first year) and mulch. You can train pear trees as 'pyramid shape' (evenly spaced stems, shorten shoots) or on a wire framework, eg 'espalier' (tie in the main stems, shorten the side shoots).

Harvesting and using pears

Pick pears when firm, leaving to fully ripen off the tree.

Use pears to make puddings, jams or jellies.

Tips on growing pears

If you can, protect any early flowers from frost is horticultural fleece.

Growing notes
Difficulty Moderate
Average time to harvest From 24 months
When to prune Summer
Equipment needed Stakes, mulch (eg compost), fleece
Average plant size 200-300cm tall and wide
Family group to grow with Rosaceae: apple, blackberry
Key nutritional content Vitamin C