Growing Guides
UK gardeners have been growing plums for a number of years. It's small, tasty fruits are a hit with growers around the world. This growing guide will show you how to grow plums in your organic garden.
Growing calendar
Plant out/transplant Sep - Feb
Harvest Mid Aug - mid Oct

How to grow plum trees

Plant single-stem or part-trained trees on a rootstock suitable for your growing conditions, eg dwarf 'Pixy' or large 'St Julien A'. Choose well-drained fertile soil in a warm, sunny and sheltered site.

Stake, water and mulch your plum trees. You can train your plum tree as a 'bush' or 'pyramid shape' (evenly spaced stems; shorted shoots) or on wire framework, eg 'fan' (tie in main stems; shorten side shoots).

Protect flowers from frost with horticultural fleece.

Harvesting and using plums

Pick plums when the fruit is fully coloured and feels slightly soft.

Tips on growing plums

Grow varieties that flower together for fruit set, ie 'pollination groups'.

Growing notes
Difficulty Trickier
Average time to harvest From 24 months
When to prune Spring and summer
Equipment needed Stakes, mulch (eg compost), fleece
Average plant size 200-300cm tall and wide
Family group to grow with Rosaceae: pear, blackberry
Key nutritional content Vitamin C