Blackberry & hybrid berry

Used in desserts, jams and juices, the blackberry plant is known for it's dark, vibrant fruits.
Growing calendar
Plant out/transplant Oct - Feb
Harvest Jul - Oct

How to grow blackberries

Plant pot-grown or bare root canes (30cm tall woody stems). Space blackberry plants 2.5 to 4m apart.

Choose well-drained soil in a sunny sheltered site.

Water and mulch your blackberry bushes. Tie canes to horizontal wires for extra support.

Cut fruited canes to soil level in the autumn, leave non-fruiting canes (ie those that grew in the current season) to fruit next year after overwintering.

Harvesting and using blackberries

Pick your blackberries when they are fully coloured. If you have a glut, blackberries make excellent jam or compote, and freeze well, although they are likely to lose their structure when defrosting.

Tips on growing blackberries and hybrid berries

Train 'fruiting' and 'non-fruiting' canes in opposite directions to make it easier to pick and prune.

Growing notes
Difficulty Moderate
Average time to harvest From 18 months
When to prune Autumn
Equipment needed Stakes, wire, twine, mulch (eg compost)
Average plant size 180cm tall, 45cm wide
Family group to grow with Rosaceae: pear, blackberry
Seed saving notes Specialist
Key nutritional content Vitamin C, fibre