Growing in your space
School gardening resources
On this page you'll find links to practical advice and activities for all ages on how to start and maintain an organic food growing garden. Handy, quick-reference growing instruction cards, games, activity sheets and more.
A3 Tool and use matching game
A6 Organic gardeners do do not game
A7 Crop and family games
A24 Yes no maybe compost game
A25 Reduce re use run around game
A28 Friend and foe game
Growing activities
A8 Where to grow plants
A9 Testing soil and improving fertility
A11 Planting in containers
A12 Growing potatoes in containers
A14 Clearing weeds and grass
A18 Sowing seed
A19 Making a paper pot
A20 Thinning seedlings
A21 Potting on seedlings
A22 Transplanting young plants
A26 Digging
A27 When is a weed not a weed
A32 Storing produce
A36 Planting a tree
A38 Making potting mixes
A39 Mulching plants
A40 Making leafmould
A41 Making liquid feeds
A42 Diagnosing plant problems
A50 Growing pulses and cereals
A51 Making a meal of it
A52 Studying crop differences
A53 Using wormeries
A54 Growing potatoes without digging
A55 Growing green manures
A56 Saving seed crop by crop
A58 Taking cuttings
A62 Planning biological control
A61 Pruning and training fruit
A62 Planning biological control
A63 Growing wild flowers
Construction Projects
A16 Building a garden path
A13 Making a light reflector
A10 Building a raised bed
A37 Making a herb spiral
A65 Making a hay box
A60 Making a cloche
A47 Making a scarecrow
A57 Building a heated propagator
Wildlife Projects
A31 Lacewing hotel
A43 Building a wildlife habitat
A29 Ladybird house
A30 Apple bird feeder
A64 Creating a wildlife pond
Planning Advice and Activities
A1 Hosting an annual event
A2 Organising a gardening day
A4 Health and Safety Audit
A5 Risk Assessment
A15 Assessing and using sheds
A17 Holiday care of the garden
A23 Setting up a watering rota
A33 Recording growing skills
A35 Creating a term time harvest plan
A45 Assessing greenhouses polytunnels
A46 Installing a water butt
A48 Designing sales material
A49 Generating business ideas
A59 Setting up a square foot garden
Templates T1 8
Kitchen to compost poster
Identifying Weeds
Using space well
The Organic Garden
Get Involved
Garden to Kitchen
Seeds and young plants
Crop Rotation
Making Compost
Edible plant parts
Food growing year
Harvesting and storing
Pest and disease
Information Sheets & Booklets
Polytunnel Factsheet
Growing in polytunnels activity
Horticultural qualifications
Advice on selling food