Rushes occur mainly but not solely on poorly drained soils of low pH. Infestations often arise in disturbed areas of pasture or where the sward is weak.
Common weeds
Rushes occur mainly but not solely on poorly drained soils of low pH. Infestations often arise in disturbed areas of pasture or where the sward is weak.
Field horsetail is widely distributed in the UK in meadows, gardens and on wasteland. It grows strongly on arable and grassland but is a particular problem in fruit and other perennial crops.
Bracken is a herbaceous perennial plant that is known for rapidly covering ground in woodlands. It is said by The Wildlife Trusts to be one of the UK's most common ferns.
Caper spurge is an herbaceous biennial, that may occur in fields and gardens.
Annual meadow-grass is an annual or short-term perennial grass found on arable land, grassland, trackways and in gardens. It is a pioneer species in disturbed habitats and is common throughout the UK.
A native, annual to biennial plant found in open and cultivated ground, and on rocks and walls throughout the UK.
Groundsel is a native annual, ephemeral or overwintering weed present on almost all soils and is especially prolific on good land.
Garlic mustard is a native winter annual, biennial or monocarpic perennial abundant in damp shaded areas, common in hedgerows and at the edge of woods.
An introduced annual weed of cultivated and waste ground, locally frequent in the UK. It prefers a damp, rich soil and an open situation where there is little competition for light.
A native annual to biennial weed of cultivated land.